Where can I find results of an event that has ended?

Using the results page, you are able to view the results (first half and full time score) for events that have ended. To view the results page, please follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to your SBOTOP account and click on the Results link located at the top right of the page.
  2. Choose to filter results based on dates by clicking on the Today or Yesterday button, or select a specific date by using the calendar picker.
  3. Choose to filter results based on the sport and league of an event by using the Select dropdown lists. Click on the Submit button to view the filtered results.

    You can toggle to display results based on default normal sorting or sort by time by selecting Normal Sorting or Sort by Time selection.

    You can toggle to display results for outright events and normal events by clicking on the Outright or Normal button located at the top right corner of the result page.
